
Its 00:26am. I’m holding Lilou, with my hips pushed forward to counter her weight. She’s a heavy girl. She’s hanging limp, so fast asleep but she’s good. She’s great. She so loved and cared for. I look over my shoulder and look at Babe asleep on the sofa and I’m so grateful. Tired but so grateful….

It takes a village…

I’m sitting down in my bedroom, watching my beautiful baby stir, then fall asleep while I quietly cry. My house is an absolute mess, my body hurts and I just feel a…little…bit…drained. I’m not so much drained from being a new mum. It’s more so from the things that can pile up in addition to…

An easy pregnancy

When people ask how my pregnancy has been so far, I always say ‘’its been great’’. Most are surprised as, from what they know, pregnancies are supposed to completely wreck you. They then go on to tell me how easy I’ve had it and well, I wouldn’t say I’ve had it easy. I’ve more-so understood…

A second chance

He first left when I was 8 months, then again when I were 15 months. I next saw him when I was 5 yrs old. If no one told me who he was, I wouldn’t have known. Sadly, there was really no bond there. It makes me wonder what our relationship was like for that…

Something to think about as we approach the New Year.

Satya…being truthful in thought, word and deed. You may wonder what the above has to do with yoga. In Yogic philosophy, there is a series of “right living” or ethical rules. These rules are called the Yamas & Niyamas. The second out of five rules is: Satya (सत्य) (truthfulness, non-falsehood) This Yama gives us the opportunity…

The beauty in ugly

”Today was the first day on my Yoga pregnancy teacher training course. As a woman, I feel that I have an obligation to learn the intricacies of such a wonderful life experience. The changes that may occur in the physical and mental body. How the capacity of ones heart starts to expand beyond what they knew to…

Breakfast Banana fritters

This morning after an 1.30hrs practice, I was hungrier than usual but didn’t know what I wanted to eat. Often when this happens, I go into the kitchen for inspiration and end up making something that Ive not made before. Usually, Ill have to pop to the market or shops for at least one ingredient….

The perfect winter warmer: Mini sweet Potato pies

Originally, I ordered 2 large organic sweet potatoes with my shop. They notified us that they were spoilt so they sent approximately 12 at a later date for the same price. Talk about a good will gesture?! I incorporated these into so many dishes but I’m sure you can imagine, 12 is quite a lot!…

Why you should stock up on garlic during winter.

Its cold/flu season here in the UK, where we get reminders from our doctors to take our ‘flu jabs’  *rolls eyes* What if I told you that there are natural remedies far more effective against colds and flu? Infact, ill tell you about my all time favourite…GARLIC!! Here are some of the reasons supported by…

A little bit about me.

Growing up, I was always quite a peculiar child. From my inquisitive mind, the films I liked watching, my dress sense, to the foods which I enjoyed eating. I was rarely in uniform with my peers and thankfully this is not something I wished would change. My mother often tells me stories from my youth….